Monday, September 24, 2007

Changes in latitude, changes in attitude.

Baby Cute needs to head south. That's pretty much what we walked away with this morning at our appointment. He's still up above my belly button and almost appears to be sideways. None of the other docs have seemed to be concerned that I haven't dropped, but Dr. Kelley was. We'll know more next week, unless I go into labor between now and then.

I gained a half of a pound, BBC's heart rate was 140, my blood pressure is high, but not spiking toward pre-eclampsia levels. My feet are swollen and my right hand is pretty consistently prickly, which is normal, but annoying. It's getting harder for me to sleep at night.

I had a great weekend, but more about that later. We go back next Wednesday for our growth ultrasound and check-in with Dr. Tucker. Perhaps she will wear her pink alligator shoes, that would make me happy.

I'm tired. I choose to believe that my body was made to push this baby out, no matter his size or position. I'm prepared for the possibility that that won't happen, but for now, let's think positive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for this baby to make his debut! I'm sure that you are ready too, Natalie.

Love you both. :) Chrissy