Friday, May 23, 2008

Growing Up, Standing Up, Looking Up

Hey Dudes. You wouldn't believe all of the new tricks that I've figured out how to do in the last couple of weeks!

Mommy says I am cuter than ever. Whatever. I'm just doing my thing. Eating my food. Drinking my milk. Scootching, scootching, scootching. Trying to catch our kitty. Tasting everything I can get into my mouth before Mommy or Daddy take it away. Playing with my buddy Logan at Brenda's house. Splashing in the tub. Grabbing my feeties. Pooping and peeing my pants. Ya know, the basics.

My dearest Auntie Melanie sent me a package of fun stuff. There were some books, clothes, a piggy bank AND this cool crunchy paper in bright colors. I liked that stuff best, until Mommy took it away.
Mommy said I should be proud to have my own Fred and Ted book. According to Mommy, Gram and Auntie Melanie call each other Fred and Ted. Mommy cried a little bit when she read the book to me, but I didn't think it was sad. Mommy is weird sometimes.

Soon after Mommy took this picture she took my crunchy toys away.
And then I barfed on myself, so Mommy also took my other clothes off. It's cool. I don't really like clothes unless I am cold.

Last weekend, Mommy took me to the park. We met our friends Heather and Lydia there. It was pretty rainy when we got to the park, but then the sun came out! Lydia and I went on the swings. I liked it, but the wind was blowing on my face. I don't like that part.

This is Lydia. She's cool. She makes rasberries and squeals like I do.

Mommy said this picture is to keep it real. I don't ALWAYS look cute.

Lydia's toys were delicious.
On Sunday, I ate cereal and fruit and then helped Mommy read the paper.

It was cool. After we read the paper, I took a loooong nap. Then we went to the East Lansing Art Festival. There were so many pretty things to look at, Mommy forgot to take pictures!
Later that day, my Pap came over. Gram and Aunt Meredith and Uncle Jerry went to Seattle to visit our family there. Pap and Bella were lonely, so they came to play at our house.
Pap lets me play with scissors. He has also promised me a Rolex and a 4-wheeler and a pony and a car and my own country. I'm keeping track. Pap loves me a lot.

Just kidding! Pap doesn't let me play with them. But we thought it would make a funny picture.

Daddy made ribs on the grill, but Pap wanted to eat my biscuit. It made me smile. Pap is funny.
Mommy embarrasses me sometimes. See the picture below? That's how I look when I'm playing.
And this is how I look when I'm pooping.
I'm pretty busy playing all the time. I got some cool toys for Christmas and even before I was born that Mommy thought I would have more fun playing with now.
My new favorite toy is my Sesame Street play table. It sings and Elmo dances and I can stand up like a big boy in front of it. It's AWESOME!

Sometimes I try to pull Elmo off the table and we both end up on the floor.
When Daddy got home from work, I showed him how it works. There is even a cell phone on the table that tastes delicious!

I'm getting better at taking naps these days. Brenda helps Mommy and Daddy with that.

I crawl really well now, but I'm bored with that. Now I want to stand! I especially like the entertainment center, the closet door, the kitchen trash can and the coffee table. I really like knick knacks and things I can pull. Mommy says "No" a lot these days. I'm still figuring out what that means.

I also give kisses now. And clap my hands. And bang on things. And squeal and talk a lot.
Life is good.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Go bananas, the big blue ball, my trip to Chicago and other punny titles missed due to bad blogger etiquette.

Hi everyone!

My mom's been really busy at work, so I'm sorry that you have been waiting so long for new pictures and news about me, Elliott Milton.

She's still really busy, but she told me that she is really good at pumping my mommy milk with one hand these days, so she got my pictures downloaded today. But there isn't a whole lot of time to type.

Here are LOTS of pictures. From the beginning of April until YESTERDAY! Yes, yesterday!

Mommy told me to tell you a few things:
  • Can you tell when Mommy got her new camera for work and started using me as her test subject to figure out how it works?
  • I got a big blue ball. It rocks my world. Almost as much as my kitty, Runa. Mommy says I never would have been motivated to move quickly if I wasn't trying to catch our kitty. Now I get where I want to go FAST.
  • Where I want to go is usually exactly where Mommy hopes I won't go trying to get the thing that I shouldn't get, or so Mommy says.
  • You'll notice Mommy has her hair pulled back in all of the pictures. This is because I love to pull hair. This may also be why the kitty won't let me catch her.
  • I got to go to Chicago and play with my Auntie Melanie and Uncle Rob and all the rest of my family. It was cool. My Pap put me in this cool carrier and we watched baseball, whatever that is.
  • There's a picture of my cool ride about mid-way down. It's a minivan, but Daddy says it's still cool because it's red.
  • I weigh 18 pounds now and am growing out of my 6/9 month tops. However, I have short legs, so my 6 month pants still fit some of the time. My Mommy says I should blame Daddy for that.
  • I'm 28 inches long, so just 2 more inches and I'll need to sit in my new carseat in my cool ride. No more sleeping in my carseat and being transported around while sleeping. Mommy says this stinks.
  • Mommy and Daddy got bikes for Christmas. They are cool. Pap and Gram bought me a seat for Mommy's bike and I sit in it while she makes things go by quickly. It's pretty cool. Except for that stupid plastic thing that falls off my head and almost makes Mommy crash into Daddy.
  • I love paper. I have some toys, but really, I want paper.
  • I L-O-V-E LOVE bananas. I make mmmm, mmmm and smacking sounds with my lips when Mommy gives them to me. Sometimes I think I'm getting something delicious like bananas or pears and instead there is green goo that tastes like. I don't know, but it's not sweet like mommy milk or applesauce.
  • No teeth yet, but lots of drooling and gnawing.
  • I'm a pretty happy dude these days. I know my name and love to play and splash in the bathtub and scootch around and try to catch the kitty and eat my food and sometimes spit it at Mommy.
  • I love what Mommy calls "Saturday." This means I get to play with Mommy AND Daddy all day. It rocks.

Mommy says she'll try to be a better blogger.