Monday, July 2, 2007

One Word at 100 Days To Go: Overwhelming.

Just 100 days until Baby Cute is scheduled to arrive and I feel amazing. David and I are truly blessed with the most generous, wonderful parents. I remember being overwhelmed with gratitude when we moved to Charlotte, when I graduated college and the bleachers came alive as I accepted my diploma, when we got married, when we hit our bumpiest of patches last summer and fall, when we were shopping for houses, when we bought our house, when we moved to Lansing and countless points in between.

This weekend was the exclamation point to a lifetime of love David and I have received from our parents.

I'll do a full update and photos later this week when I have more time to download and fiddle with the pictures, but in short--Oh My God. The nursery floors are a gleaming, vintage yellow pine spectacle of beauty, my neighbors can no longer see in my dining room thanks to classy new roman shades, ALL of my boxes have been unpacked, the man room is rearranged to perfection, the spare room is now a functional office as well as a welcoming guest room, there are TOMATO plants in my newly tilled garden, my gutters are cleaned out, my deck stairs newly functional, my laundry room modified to fit the new chest freezer, I am no longer in danger of being tangled in the climbing rosebush near my deck and I can now SIT on my deck thanks to two lovely hand-me-down chairs. There is even more, but you get the gist--Oh My God!

I feel overwhelmed. I don't know what David and I did in our present or past lives to deserve such generosity of time, talent and treasure, but we fully intend to pass on that intense love and devotion to family to our children.

In other wonderful news, Baby Cute is now a regular Daddy-Kicker! David finally got his first kick on our way home from breakfast on Saturday morning. We were sitting at a stoplight, and when I felt the first kick I grabbed David's hand and put it on my stomach just in time for Baby Cute to give a well-placed thump. Way to go Baby! He felt it again during some late evening acrobatics on Saturday night and during the movie Knocked Up last night.

Knocked Up! Oh my God, it was SO good! It was a perfect movie for David and I to see, period. After such a busy, crazy, wonderful weekend it was the ideal way to end it.

Back to work today--I feel so refreshed and excited about life in general.

Thanks Moms and Dad and Dave. You are the most amazing parents and are well on your way to becoming the most amazing grandparents, too. We love you!

1 comment:

BoxcatAV said...

Parents are wonderful. Handy and productive parents are even more wonderful! Whatever would our parents be doing if not helping their children make their house a home!? Glad you had such a productive weekend.