Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quick, someone get the preggo some Pepcid.

So there are lots of preggo stereotypes out there. Forgetfulness, falling, puffing up, waddling, glowing, crying, worrying, take your pick. As my regular readers know, I've taken a few tumbles, puffed up a bit and done my fair share of crying. However, so far, I haven't been too forgetful or lost anything important. Until Saturday.

I picked up the BIG box of Pepcid at Target on Saturday. I even went for the name-brand stuff, which is not my normal behavior with OTC medicine. $15 ladies and gentlemen, but enough Pepcid for regular 12 hour intervals from now until October 10. My heartburn has been that bad. For example, I ate an english muffin with cream cheese for breakfast on Saturday. THAT gave me wicked heartburn. Seriously? An english muffin? Right.

So the $15 has been debited out of my account, the receipt clearly shows David and I purchased the Pepcid, but there is NO FREAKIN' PEPCID in my possession. I'm stubborn (not news to any of you, I know), so I've thus far refused to buy new Pepcid. $15 is a lot of money mid-month for this one paycheck a month gal.

Then I had Chinese food for lunch. Let me tell you, I would pay $30 for one Pepcid tablet right now. I may even be willing to offer naming rights to my fetus. Ugh. I HATE heartburn. The salty goodness of the Chinese food was excellent, but my swollen fingers and raging heartburn are making me reconsider my next visit to Oodles of Noodles.

Other than the heartburn, I feel splendid. Baby Cute is a busy little guy as usual. I'm still loving my waking up time with David and Baby in the mornings. My upper and lower belly has less and less distinction between it and I may even have a few NEW stretch marks on my upper tummy. My internal thermostat is set about 10 degrees hotter than everyone else's, so I'm pretty hot and sweaty most of the time, even in air conditioning. Go figure. Nothing to complain about, but just subtle changes in my body that I find fascinating.

My Mom and I had a nice, long self-affirming chat about breastfeeding last night. We're both pretty passionate about it, so it was fun to hear my Mom recounting the cultural shift she was up against when deciding to breastfeed us and fun to share my growing knowledge about the intricacies and pitfalls associated with being a new breastfeeding mom.

I got approval to work from Saginaw on Friday so David can drop me off at my parents' on Thursday night. My other option was to ride with Meredith late on Friday or wait until David got out of work on Friday. Either way, putting me in Saginaw well after Melanie lands in Michigan, which is NOT what I want. I am itching to hug her and convince her nephew the Zucchini to kick her properly.

I'm off to the orthodontist to be systematically and voluntarily tortured. Today my last big payment is due, so at least in the future I won't be paying someone to torture me once a month. I find it funny when people think I'm doing this for cosmetic reasons. HA.


freerange karma said...



Anonymous said...

Silly Preggo! It's not the food making the hearburn, it's the baby!
Go buy some Pepcid!

The Other Grandmother

Anonymous said...

WATER used to give me heartburn.....ugh. I remember those days!