Friday, June 15, 2007

Sir Zucchini Kicks-A-Lot

Melanie dubbed Baby Cute "Sir Zucchini Kicks-A-Lot" after I emailed her about getting kicked on the outside yesterday. I am still giggling about it. Melanie is one of the most creative people I know, and she never fails to make me laugh.

Our appointment was anti-climactic as usual... As Dr. Bell said this morning, boring is good.

The updates:
--I gained 5 pounds, so I am officially "even steven"--the weight I was when I found out I was pregnant. It's funny how little I typically care about my weight, but the thought of gaining weight is very intimidating to me.... Yes, I'm odd.
--My blood pressure is still "a little high."
--I got my glucose drink and instructions on taking my gestational diabetes screening. The week of July 6 or after.
--Today was the first time they measured my belly from my pubic bone to the top of my uterus. This was fascinating to me. We were measuring right on today. It will be interesting to see how the measurements grow!
--And, the news you have all been waiting for, Dr. Bell DID order another ultrasound for us! So July 16 Baby Cute gets another chance to show off his/her goods.
--Oh, and Dr. Tucker had her baby boy. His name is Kinneal.

Tomorrow I leave for Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'll be gone until late on Tuesday night, but should stay pretty connected to email and the blog. It is going to be hot and dry--hooray for desert!

I had delicious conversation and ice cream with my friend Kate yesterday. We talked "shop" a lot--the local PR scene, master's degrees, our common aspiration to become comm arts teachers. We talked about fun stuff too, of course. Kate and Nate consider themselves members of the granola-crunching scene, and are also thinking about having their own Baby KateandNate someday soon. Kate brought up a funny point--zodiac signs. Apparently, they are waiting just a tad longer because she's not a fan of the quirks of Taurus/Gemini peeps. Obviously, we didn't plan Baby Cute, but I was interested to see what zodiac sign my baby is headed for.

Baby Cute will most likely be a Libra--September 24-October 23 seems like a pretty safe date range around October 10.

So for this Friday, a bunch of fun Libra facts. We can get to know a little about Baby Cute already!

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.


  • The finer things in life
  • Sharing
  • Conviviality (fond of feasting, drinking, and merry company; jovial)
  • Gentleness


  • Violence
  • Injustice
  • Brutishness
  • Being a slave to fashion

Famous Libras

  • Barbara Walters
  • George Gershwin (I'm hoping this mean Baby Cute has a sense of rhythm, unlike David)
  • Julie Andrews
  • David Lee Roth (HA!)
  • Eleanor Roosevelt (she was born Oct. 11)
  • Princess Leah (I mean, Carrie Fisher)
  • Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Johnny Carson


freerange karma said...

I love and really connect with Libras, generally. Libras and Leos. Maybe Sir Zucchini Kicks-A-Lot will be a fine musician and arteeest!

BoxcatAV said...

Eleanor Roosevelt is a good lady to be associated with!