Friday, May 18, 2007

Ode to David.

I love David so very much. All of the cliches about love growing over time and a baby being a true culmination of your love... They're all true. Or at least, it's how I feel in this haze of pregnancy hormones.

I told David about the baby developing its sense of hearing yesterday during a fantastic Grey's Anatomy finale, so he took the initiative to lay directly next to my belly and talk to Baby Cute throughout the show. Everyone tells me that Baby Cute is going to be brilliant, and my little fetus is well on its way. Whenever Dave would talk to Baby Cute, I felt all of my flip flops and bubble pops and butterfly wing flapping or whatever this "quickening" business is. About the third time it happened I realized that Baby Cute was responding to Daddy Cute!

It also touched me yesterday when David shared that he is not only working overtime at the testing center on Saturday, he's also working Sunday. AND he's already scheduled to do a wedding on Saturday night. I told him he should think about not working THAT much and he told me he was looking forward to it. It would pad our savings account enough that he hopes I'll be able to stop worrying.

What a man.

So while I'm on this "love" kick, let me also give a shout-out to my co-workers. Of their own volition, they've set up our whiteboard with a "Boy or Girl?" survey and are standing out in the main area of my office daydreaming about buying little boy or little girl clothes. I'm just sitting here smiling.

I'm a lucky gal.

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