Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's a(n)...


My baby likes to sit Indian Style. Cross-legged. With his/her back toward the nice ultrasound lady. My baby is apparently both modest and stubborn.

Baby Cute's gender is still a mystery.

Baby Cute does have two kidneys, a well-developed four-chamber heart pumping at 141 beats/minute, ten fingers, a cute little alien face and a host of other fully functioning parts. The baby is measuring right on for 10/10/06 and weighs 11 ounces. Baby Cute had the hiccups during the ultrasound and waved at us, too. It was very fun. Oh, and I gained a pound. That puts me at negative 5 pounds so far.

So there is lots of good news, and just a small piece of disappointing news. No running out to buy pink or blue clothes.

The doc we saw today said our primary doc may order another look because the ultrasound tech couldn't QUITE get a good look at all that she wanted to, but he wasn't sure. I told him to pass on the message that I would be more than willing to fill my bladder to capacity again and hold it for another look at Baby Cute. But Baby Cute's gender may also remain a mystery until the leaves change colors, the weather grows colder and I do my darndest to push my stubborn Indian Baby Cute out. Only time will tell.


CorgiLand said...

dear mysterious indian child,
plz turn around so i might peek at your naughty bits... i promise not to tell.
i am just curious... and want to know all about you, so plz indian baby, turn around.

AlexisAnne said...

negative 5 lbs huh? see that's the bonus of going in with some cushion...I think I had gained like 25 lbs by this point with laynie.