Thursday, October 18, 2007

Elliott with two T's.

Elliott's Official "One Week" Picture.

We took our first adventure on Monday to take Aunt Meredith to the Battle Creek train station. Elliott slept the whole way there and also slept through a freight train going by (with Aunt Meredith covering his ears). So much for "sssssh, baby's sleeping!" Then the real adventure began because he got hungry and there was no quiet corner of the BC Amtrak parking lot for me to feed him, so we drove around downtown BC for a little while trying to find someplace where I could feed him. We ended up in someone's employee parking lot during shift change. Hopefully I didn't flash too many workers. Oops.

Elliott loves his swing, and eating his hands. It is usually cute, but when I am trying to feed him and he is crying and trying to put his hands in his mouth I have to tell him not to play defense!

There are a couple of hours every day that he is all wide awake and cute like this. :)

Mac, Ryanne and Zoe came to visit on Sunday with their parents and our good friends Petey and Corbie. They brought pizza. Mmmm. Elliott was kind enough to both fart and poop while Zoe was holding him. This was majorly funny for a 6-year-old.

The sun came out yesterday, so we ventured out and took a walk. Our stroller rocks, Dave hogged it and wouldn't let me push, but let me pose for a picture.

Elliott loves getting a bath now! Thank goodness, because it's one of my all-time favorite baby things to do.

We're doing pretty well without an extra set of hands, although we are both pretty excited to have Carolyn and Dave visit and for another set of weekend visitors. We ventured out to the baby store to buy another couple of hairbrushes (all of the crazy baby stuff we have, and only one hairbrush...) and exchange some Pampers for some Huggies. I prefer the Huggies and frankly, they're cheaper!

Elliott projectile pooped on David yesterday. It was freakin' HILARIOUS! He went through three outfits in one day, just like everyone said would happen. He's a gassy little dude, and I find myself being that mother who is cheering her baby on while he grunts and struggles to fart. Hey, when you have a newborn baby and he cries until he farts, you are EXCITED about farting in a way you never have been before.

And finally, I call this Elliott's "milk coma" face. When I know that freight trains can go by and he will sleep through because his tummy is full of "mommy milk."


BoxcatAV said...

Since you're ok with his gas action now, I don't anticipate you would have a problem if I bought him "Walter the Farting Dog" book for his 5th birthday?!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. In the one of you standing by the stroller on your front walk, you look so GOOD! I can't believe it's only been 10 days.
Can't wait to see you all.
Grandma Finally

geekmp3 said...

Next time, I want to be on the AFTER section of the Milk Coma. Not the BEFORE!!

He's got some LUNGS! Cry Elliott, cry!

AlexisAnne said...

I already think I can see a lot of Dave in Elliott. Especially in that bath picture....
He may have been a "big" baby, but he looks so tiny in his clothes and the swing! awwwwwww.

Unknown said...

You are looking fantastic! And Elliott is incredibly cute! Still can't wait to meet him - maybe this weekend? When is a good time to call????

Can't wait! ;)

Anonymous said...

Elliott looks absolutely gorgeous!! How can one family have so many cute boys!! You are both truly blessed - can't wait to meet in person. When do you think that will be?? Grandma finally is sooo happy ! aunt d

Anonymous said...

He's just so precious! Natalie & Dave, Elliott is wonderful! I hope you are enjoying parenthood. We look forward to see you soon!

Love you both!