Thursday, February 7, 2008


Elliott had his four-month checkup yesterday. He is 16 pounds, 6 ounces and 26.5 inches long. That's the 92nd percentile for height and weight and his head circumfrence is in the 75th percentile.

We are extraordinarily lucky. Elliott hasn't been sick at all to date other than a couple of boogery noses that passed in a day or two. Maybe I should worry more about germs and the flu bug going around, but I just don't.

We can start him on cereal whenever we want to, but I'm not in any hurry. When I asked Dr. Hoop if there are any benefits to starting solids sooner rather than later, his reply was that they help babies sleep through the night. Well, our little man is consisently doing that (Wow, huh?), so it's really just a matter of teaching him how to eat from a spoon and starting him on the road to eating something other than Mommy Milk. I think we'll know when the time is right, and honestly, I love feeding Elliott. I'm not ready, but I know we will be soon.

Elliott's disposition continues to be a lot like mine... when he's happy, he's thrilled about life. When he's uncomfortable, annoyed, frustrated or the like, he doesn't hesitate to complain up a storm. I was nursing Elliott to sleep last night and daydreaming about his future little brother or sister. Will they be more laid back like Dave? We're definitely not in a rush for #2, but it was one of the first times I thought about starting this adventure all over again and thought I would mention it.

A new phenomenon that I wanted to mention/document is what I call "mamaclinging." There have been times lately where Elliott will just cry until I am there. At first I thought it was just because I am the milk lady, but there have been several instances where he doesn't want to eat, just wants me. It's flattering, really, but also slightly disconcerting.

We will be putting mamaclinging to the test this weekend. For my birthday, Dave bought me tickets to a wine tasting on the Leelanau Peninsula. So we are heading to Frankenmuth tonight, I have a conference there tomorrow and then we are heading to Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Dave's house. Saturday morning after Elliott's mid-morning meal we are leaving and not planning to return until Sunday afternoon.... We have reservations to stay the night in Traverse City. It's very difficult for both Dave and me. We don't truly WANT to leave Elliott overnight, but we are becoming more and more aware that some time away for the two of us will be good for our marriage. And having a happy marriage will benefit Elliott in the longrun, so we're going to try it. Plus, we know Elliott will be spending many-a-night in Central Lake with Grandma and Grandpa, so it's a matter of when, not if he will have sleepovers there. It was also GrandmaCarolyn's birthday this week, so having Elliott all to herself for the better part of 36 hours is like a birthday gift in and of itself.

No pics today, sorry! Back to work for me!


CorgiLand said...

Have fun up north! i'm sure it will be hard leaving that cutie for awhile but i think you are right, it's best for everyone in the longrun!


Anonymous said...

Have fun this weekend! I'm VERY jealous!

BoxcatAV said...

Have fun! You two deserve it. Mr. E will do great.

freerange karma said...

It'll be harder on you than him to be apart. :) You can do it! Enjoy your trip!