I spent a few minutes taking pics this morning so ya'll could see Baby Cute's nursery. Then I realized the memory card wasn't in the camera. Then I put the memory card in and didn't realize that the first few pictures I took were stored on the camera's internal memory so I don't have the general photos of the crib and room. Ugh. Regardless, it's really coming together!
My co-worker Francie bought us the "Guess How Much I Love You" Nutbrown Hare. I love him... Dave had to remind me that he was for the baby...
I haven't sorted Baby Cute's clothes out by size yet, but he is well on his way to being a very well-dressed baby. :)
The "onesie" and "sleeper" drawer is starting to bust at the seams. We have a wide variety of sizes, so I'm waiting for my nesting instincts to kick in so I realize I need to wash everything and organize it for "right away" and "much later."
I had a shower here at work yesterday. So many cute, cute things! The folks here function differently than at my previous jobs--we don't really celebrate each other's birthdays or buy our boss a gift for Christmas or involve our students the way we did at the CSO. It's not bad, just different. They're not the group gift type, but instead each brought books, blankets, outfits and a few thoughtful touches like a snowglobe that plays "hush little baby" and an MSU baby figurine and a Michigan Counting Book. It was really nice, and it was so fun to put things away in Baby Cute's drawers yesterday. I have to say, though, that he is bound to be THE warmest baby alive. When it's time for him to sleep in his crib, I don't know where we will put all of his adorable blankets!

We got so many great books for Baby Cute! We're going to have to find a bookshelf to put in his room!
Other than a crib full of blankies, the bottom drawer of his dresser is full of blankets and sheets. Our upstairs gets really chilly in the winter, so I think we will be putting them all to good use. :)
We got to see David's Dad and stepmom Pam on Saturday for lunch. We had delicious hamburgers and calzones at Dusty's Tap Room (mmm, black olives and blue cheese) and great conversation as usual. Gary and Pam found an MSU quilt at their local Alpine-Fest in Gaylord along with a matching MSU bib. You can see it in the very first picture, it's fabulous! Pam also picked out some adorable outfits and a layette set with a puppy hooded towel in it that I just love. It was so nice to see them, and we are looking forward to their visit after Baby Cute arrives.
Hmmm, what else has happened since Friday? I dragged Dave all around west Lansing on Monday in search of the "right" nightgown to pack in my hospital bag. Seriously folks. Just when I thought plus size maternity clothes were lacking something I went searching for a nursing nightgown. I'm not the pajama type, so I just need ONE. And I'm sorry, but I refuse to wear anything with polka dots, teddy bears or bows--new Mommy or not. What's wrong with making a PLAIN, cotton, nightgown in a size 3X? Several that go to 2X, but apparently when you reach my size you are relegated to polka dots and teddy bears. Ugh. So I decided to improvise and try to find something with buttons or a surplus neck or something stretchy enough to pull down for breastfeeding. Lane Bryant and JC Penney were a bust, TJ Maxx had a cute spaghetti strap one that I bought just in case, and I found several that were suitable at Kohl's. Good 'ol Kohl's! So I think I'm settled on the nightgown issue for now at least.
David went back to Pearson today and it hit me that we are nearing the Labor Day weekend! The annual Flat Roof Golf Outing is on Sunday, so I am driving my sweetie to Mt. Pleasant on Saturday so he can get in on all of the fun and I can still work at the baby store on Sunday before heading north for the post-golf festivities. We are planning to spend Labor Day at HOME. There is also some serious cleaning I would like to get done before my friends come over for shower festivities on the 8th. I'm so excited to see Mary Frog Toes (and everyone else!).
I feel a little preggo-stupid today. Not only did I forget to take another general picture of Baby Cute's room for ya'll, I also forgot all of my thank you notes--signed, sealed, stamped--on the chair at home. Grrrrr. Last week was so crazy I barely had time to do a couple every night and I finally got my tears flowing and my writing mojo together to try and properly thank all of my amazing family for their generosity. Then I FORGET the freaking cards. Roar.
Other good news is that my friend Heather had her baby boy last week! Parker Craig-awwww! He is soooo cute! Heather had a pretty uneventful pregnancy like yours truly, but little Parker did NOT want to come out so they ended up inducing Heather and he was born about 14 hours later via C-section. I'm happy to report that Mom and Baby are doing well--I may get the chance to visit them this weekend.
Isn't he so sweet?! Heather reports that she didn't know she could love someone as much as she loves him. :)Ok, need to wrap up, but a few more random notes. Baby Cute's carseat is SO cute. I've been peeing so often lately, it's there every time I go into our downstairs bathroom and I smile every time I see it. We haven't talked lately about when we'll be shopping for a new car, so we may be installing it in Belinda the Bonneville before too long...
It is ready and waiting in the spare room...And we bought Baby Cute's mobile over the weekend. It's looking like we'll have some loose ends to pick up off our registry and the mobile I love is being discontinued and I happened to have a 15% off coupon, so we just bought it. SO cute. :)

And I know you are all anxiously waiting to see the cutest Baby Cute onesie. He is definitely wearing it to meet his Great Grandma and Grandpa Wiacek. :)

I'm 34 weeks today, but I'll post updates later. Basically, Baby Cute's job is getting fat. My job is trying not to waddle or pee my pants. So far, I have not lost bladder control, but I promise not to tell you all if I do.
You don't like polka dots?! What about the really cool dress you wore for your rehearsal? Wasn't that black polka dots? I think you look nice in polka dots:-) BUT, I feel your pain about sizes.
Heh, cuteski! I'm no closer to finishing the blanket I'm working on, but now I know there's no hurry.. whoa, blankets!
I'm so exicted to see you next weekend! But seriously, you are making it very difficult to shop for a great baby gift!!!
I also remembering stressing about not having a robe, nightgown or slippers to bring to the hospital...at home I just wear sweats. Honestly though it worked out fine, I just wore the gowns they give you....perfect for nursing, and it won't matter if you bleed on it (which you will!!)
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