My Mom surprised me by making a quilt in all of Baby Cute's nursery colors AND she used several pieces of material from my childhood that I had left at home after we made a dress or covered a chair with it. It looks soooo perfect in Baby Cute's crib. She also made a valance from the crib dust ruffle material.
The quilt made me cry. My Mom and Dad also bought Baby Cute's crib and mattress and extended the weekend even longer and drove to Lansing to pick it up , put it together and set it up on Sunday. The room is looking so put together and Baby Cute's crib is absolutely perfect. He does, however, have a TON of blankets. I may be proven wrong, but I think we are all blanketed out.
Everything was delicious shades of apple green and sunshine yellow. There were cheerful yellow bottles filled with coordinated skittles and mentos and tiny diapers wrapping each napkin and happy yellow flowers on the centers of each table. In short, it was "wow."
Delicious "Karen cake." Mmmm, soooooo good!
My sister Meredith came up with the idea to take my picture with each shower guest. She sent Dave and my brother Nathan out to have them developed during the shower and I got to go home with a scrapbook with pictures of everyone and their advice on the same page. It is a treasure.
We didn't play games, but instead decorated bibs, burp clothes and onesies for Baby Cute. Oh my gosh, it was SO fun!! Some of my favorites are "Take me to Chicago" from Aunt Meredith, "Goodnight Baby Cute" from LaRissa, "No More Silent Nights" from my Mom (in Christmas style, of course), "Full tummy, dry diaper, night-night" from my Aunt Cynthia and Erin, "The next president" from Bev and "Luckiest Baby Alive" from Mary. When we got home, Melanie got her creative juices flowing again and did a few extras including my two all-time favorite onesies--One with a Polish flag on it that says "Cuteski" and a Cabbage Patch Kid one with the logo on the front and the Xavier Roberts signature on the butt. The CPK one is a 12-month size... but I don't think I'm going to be able to wait very long to put it on him! I LOVE it!
And oh my gosh the presents!
My siblings went together and bought us our super-D-duper travel system. So now, Baby Cute can come home from the hospital and we can go on walks together in the crunchy leaves in our neighborhood. Norma from my Mom's office made us a beautiful, rainbow-colored blanket and a fleece blanket with the cutest hippos on it for BOTH Baby Cute and I. My Aunt Jana sent a special package from California. She made us a fleecey swaddle blanket, a quilt, a baby sock "bouquet"and other amazing hand-crafted items. My Aunt Janice and Becky picked out our swing, so the newly painted room has matching accessories. :) Audrey picked out Baby Cute's play gym so he can listen to music and enjoy a little "tummy time" thanks to her. Grandma Ebig got us the monitor and I can hardly wait until Baby Cute is big enough to use his "Jumperoo" from Grandma Natali! There was more, but I'll wait to show it off until Baby Cute is actually using the stuff! :)
Baby Cute is officially labeled as a "Chick Magnet" by Aunt Cynthia. :)
My Mom found a little blue sunhat that makes me wish for sunshine and baby boys. :)
The shower architects. Melanie, Meredith and Mom. Thank you so much!
I know there are more pictures floating around, but these are the ones I have for right now!
hmmm these pictures looks like a fantastic time...hope the friends' shower is up to par...
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta. WHY DIDN'T I MAKE ONE THAT SAID THAT? So many options for good onesies.
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