Isn't this the cutest little sun you've ever seen?! We got our Wallables in the mail yesterday, and the Baby Sunshine face is even cuter in person than online! Even better news was the excellent customer service we received from BabyAge. We only got one of two sets I paid for, and when you push on the sun's face, he plays "You are my sunshine." Well, our little sunshine played once, and then quit. Um, yeah. So we called and they are sending us the missing set and a set to replace the defective one. Three cute sunshine faces in our nursery! Hooray!
Baby Cute is getting bigger and bigger. I'm biased, but I also think he is getting smarter. He plays "baby tag" with me now, which is far too much fun. If I push on one area of my belly, he pushes back. He is definitely making himself comfortable in my womb and at around 16 inches, it is becoming more and more obvious that his acrobatic space is shrinking. I love him more every day, and spending more time interacting with him and David together makes me so excited to meet him and become a family of three.
It seems like most of my second trimester postings were about food, so I thought I would just mention that I love food. No specific cravings, I just always feel better after eating something. I missed lunch yesterday, and Baby Cute and I paid dearly for it. I was cranky, irritable, easily frustrated, and did I mention cranky? I'm not nearly as picky as I was earlier in my pregnancy, I just get really hungry, really fast and need to make sure that I have snacks throughout the day. I'm not a fat person because of a sweet tooth, but Baby Cute is making me develop one like I have never experienced before. A small dish of ice cream (hey, it's got calcium!), one of my favorite kids' cereals and/or a cookie is a part of my intake every day.
I am getting more and more excited for next weekend! I get to see my sister, Melanie! I get to see my grandmas and aunts and relatives and my Mom's coworkers who I just love! I've been VERY good about not peeking at the registry, which is only adding to my excitement. It's also helpful that most of the women coming into the baby store right now are due around the same time I am, if not before, so I can peek at their registries vicariously and shake my head at the preggos that scan three pages of clothing and/or request 6 sets of bottles and a dozen sets of pacifiers. Crazy preggos.
This weekend should be pretty calm. We are planning to paint the spare bedroom green, David works Friday and Saturday nights and I work Sunday afternoon. I've made it a habit to turn off the alarm on Thursday morning after working on Wednesday night and just sleeping until I wake up. This is MIRACULOUS for me. I am so much more productive and happy when I am rested. I've been able to knock several things off my to-do list this week so far, and I'm rather proud of the progress I'm making on my projects. It's feeling more and more like I'll be "ready" to go on leave, which will make me feel better personally and professionally.
I could babble on all day, but I'll wrap up with the 31 week update. Just 9 weeks ladies and gentlemen!
BabyCenter: This week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. He weighs a little over 3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.
BabyGaga: Your not-so-little-one is just a bit closer to their birth weight and height at around 4 pounds and 17 inches. With each added layer of baby fat, your baby's skin starts to look more and more like it will when they finally get to see the light of day. The heavy news: you can expect your miracle-gro muffin to gain about a half a pound of weight per week from now until about two weeks before birth. Great. That's just what you needed. Even more weight to carry around!
Your baby's still-developing immune system has gained substantial strength over the past few weeks getting them in full gear to face our disease-ridden world o’ wonders. Obviously, a large majority of your child’s immune strength will be derived from exposure to breast milk as well as the outside elements. Their cute little noggin’ (which could already be covered with luscious locks or just purty peach fuzz), is still soft because the skull bones have not yet fused together. As much as that sounds a little too vulnerable, their “skull softness” allows for a much smoother passage through the birth canal during labor—something both you and your little swimmer will appreciate when it’s finally time to “go!” Also, some babies will have that “soft spot” on their head for up to one year after birth.
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