Dave and I went to see the Tigers play Cleveland on Tuesday night. My Tiger is Zoom-Zoom Zumaya and he made his first appearance post-injury, only adding to the excitement. We ate hot dogs and drank expensive beer (Dave) and water (me). Baby Cute got a souvenir--"My First Tigers Tee." We picked the 3/6 month size so he could wear it while he watches sports with his Daddy.
My trip to Traverse City was good. It was breezy, rainy and slightly cool, making for a pleasurable day to be outside. I met a lot of new people and connected a lot of faces with names. Perhaps my favorite part was sitting across from the state climatologist at dinner and talking about childcare and stay-at-home parenting. This will make future interviews with him that much more personal. Sometimes, it's nice to talk with academics like they are people because, you know, they are.
I slept well at Dave and Carolyn's and hit the road early enough today to stop in Gaylord and see Grandma Scott. We had a nice visit. I hadn't seen her since before her fall and she looks great. I'm glad I stopped.
Right about Grayling I started to get some incredible pain in my back. It was wrapping all the way around to my front, making me think perhaps I was having my first Braxton-Hicks contractions. I was mega-nauseous and on the brink of tears. I made it to Clare and called David at the rest area. I drove way too fast the rest of the way home and got right into bed. I woke up after an hour's nap still in a lot of pain, so I called the OB's office. Our appointment on Thursday went well, but the Nurse was pretty clear that following my instincts and being wrong was a strong preference over having a baby in NICU. I described my symptoms and they had an opening this afternoon, so they just had us come in. They did an NST-test--short for Non-Stress Test--to monitor fetal movement and to see if I was having actual contractions.
In short, nope. I'm fine. With some food and tylenol, I realized more and more that it was definitely muscular-skeletal. Sitting in a car for 4 hours, being on my feet for several hours and sleeping away from home is going to affect me in new and not-so-good ways. The Nurse on Thursday was also pretty clear--no travel more than an hour away after 36 weeks, so that won't be a real issue for much longer.
We had some tornado activity in the area tonight and Dave and I enjoyed our finished basement complete with television and chest freezer holding ice cream sandwiches. There are worse ways to wait out a storm.
Tomorrow, David's Dad and stepmom are coming to visit and Dave has to work a party at night. I am going to dig into my thank you notes, finish laundry and otherwise take it easy. My body is still quite angry with me.
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