Wednesday, March 5, 2008

If you're happy and you know it...

We're here, I promise.

All is well.

The best word to describe Elliott right now is BUSY. He is grabbing everything. Sucking on everything. Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing. Talking, babbling, oooh aaah'ing. Doing his best to get Dave's glasses off his face and doing all he can to grab my braces. This is especially fun when I'm trying to feed him. He spends a lot more time grabbing than eating, which is definitely frustrating.

It is a lot easier to make him laugh. The trick is to tickle his armpits and rub your face on his belly. I'll do whatever it takes to make him laugh. It is a magical sound.

The van is surprisingly fun to drive, and it has amazing features like:
  • Windows that roll down (my car's haven't for more than a year)
  • A functioning gas gauge (again, broken on Belinda the Bonneville)
  • Volume and radio station control on the steering wheel.


  • This amazing little keychain that allows you to open up the sliding doors on your way out to the car while carrying a car seat, a diaper bag, and various other items.
I totally see why people buy minivans.

Anyway, things are busy at work. Perhaps most amusing is that a committee of my coworkers spent several hours meeting and putting together a proposal for space changes. They're logical. They make sense. They all require me to move. But really, I'm over it. Several of my coworkers are NOT over it and continue to obsess over it and spend their working hours complaining and suggesting illogical options and in general NOT getting their work done. It's equally amusing and annoying.
Dave has been busy with work and keeping our house in order and our baby entertained. It's March, so ya'll know what that means. BASKETBALL. He is going to a regional final tonight and anxiously counting down the days until the boys' state finals on the 14/15/16/17 weekend.

Elliott will be going to Brenda the delightful daycare lady starting on March 14 and for a couple of weeks while Dave supervises a Pearson project. It will be a nice way to get our feet wet and see how we function as a daycare family.

My Grandma was discharged from the hospital yesterday to a rehab facility and is as sassy and bossy as ever. Thank goodness! And thanks for all of your prayers.

I get my braces tightened today. BOO. I have a board meeting for my PR group. YEA!
This is my new favorite picture of Elliott. You know how pictures don't always look JUST like you see someone. This picture is very close to how I see Elliott right now in person.


Rachel said...

The toe-sucking pic is my favorite out of this bunch! Surprise and delight all at once. Mmm. Toes.

Rachel said...

Wait. I take that back. More like surprise and confusion. But it's still pretty darn cute.

BoxcatAV said...

He's like a little man! Very cute.

Anonymous said...

Cutest nephew ever.

Nadia, Mike, Jaydan, and Sophia said...

I can't believe he's almost 5 months old! He just keeps getting cuter!

BoxcatAV said...

We need to see this van you mentioned....