So here are some photos to combat my teary morning post. Including your one and only chance to see my bare belly on the INTAR-WEB. I was telling Dave last night that I don't even remember what my belly used to look like. And I certainly don't have any photos of my bare belly of yesteryear. Anyway, my stomach is this hybrid fat/pregnant/stretched out thing that is absolutely amazing to me. Perhaps the oddest thing is how hard it is. The uterus is an amzing muscle. BBC is about where my thumbs meet, and my belly button hasn't popped out yet, so I'm not officially "done" like a Thanksgiving turkey.
And see? I told you I was having a good morning today! Happy as a clam (and still on time at this point)!
And here are my laundry pictures from last week. BBC's coming home outfit is washed and packed in his diaper bag. It was still weird to wash it.
Auntie Melanie bought BBC this gown very early in my pregnancy. It says "BabySaurus" on the front and has little dinos all over it. It's my favorite and he will wear it the first night he is home from the hospital. Now, it's clean and folded neatly on the top of the "footless gown" pile in his dresser.
I don't have any room in his bottom "bedding" drawer for anything but blankets. Enough said.
I do love blankets...
My side profile last week... Grow big BBC! Oh, and let me also mention that if I could live in those khaki/pink shorts, I would.
Almost time to leave for my appointment. Updates and the customary 37-week update to come! A quick preview... the baby is officially "full term," his job is getting chubby.
Babysaurus! How exciting that's what he'll wear his first night home! Hurry, Zucchini!!
hmmm... my belly butten never actually did pop. But both my girls were early.
Unfortunately, it just stretched to all hell. I think I would've prefered the pop. ;)
Good thing the kiddos are cute, right?!
Ooooh, I'm just getting so excited for him to arrive!
Does BBC realize how special those PJ's are? Especially being washed in the machiene of all time!
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