David and I have different "work around the house" styles. Mine is go, go, go, go, go, go--collapse. Dave's is go, break, go, go, break, have a soda, go, watch TV, go, whine, collapse. I made a very optimistic list and while we got quite a bit done, we spent a lot of time frustrating each other. I pushed Dave too far ("Why don't you just put together the mobile, then we'll be done?!"), and when he finally got Baby Cute's mobile put together and it wouldn't rotate I thought he might come unglued. Despite how much I wanted to laugh (the mobile has this evil sun-face that seemed to be taunting him) I took him out to dinner instead. I also resisted the urge to take pictures, I hope you all understand.
The mobile is still sitting in the crib, staring at us, but Baby Cute's clothes are organized by size, we put felt pads on the bottom of his furniture, I bought baskets for his toys and books and we organized his bath stuff into a cute caddy from Wal-Mart. All of this in addition to doing a thorough cleaning of the house, taming the storage area in the basement and finally unpacking the last few items in the spare room/office.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted today. I don't know if it's the 3-day weekend, being 35 weeks pregnant or a delightful combination of both. I'm also not sleeping well at night anymore and it seems like I have a new ache or pain popping up all the time. The pains don't stay, but my body keeps surprising me with a new "ouch, that hurts." Like I told David yesterday, I think this is part of God's plan to make women not fear childbirth. I'm less comfortable all the time, so I imagine I will be MORE than ready to push Baby Cute OUT in another month. At this point, it's going to happen, and when it does, I get my body back--altered, yes, but it will be ALL MINE again. Huzzah!
One of the funniest parts of the entire weekend was coming home late on Saturday night after dropping Dave off in Mt. Pleasant. I walked onto our front porch and SCREAMED. It was dark, and there was a large mass wrapped in plastic laying in front of my door. It only took a second for me to realize it was the rug for Baby Cute's room (and not a body...), and then it was hysterical, but it DEFINITELY got my heart racing. :)
The rug wasn't the right shade of yellow, so we returned it on Monday and ordered this one in blue:

I hope it comes in time for the shower on Saturday!
The best part of the weekend was getting to see our friends. Given how much time I have taken off from the baby store and how many requests for time off they had for this weekend, I sat out of golfing and headed to Mt. Pleasant for the post-golf festivities after 5 hours at the baby store. There was lots of belly-touching, laughter, catching up and some delicious lemonade before we headed home for the night. I'm looking forward to having several of Dave's (and my!) friends over for the shower next weekend... It is feeling more and more like we have lived in our house for years, but really we are just now nearing the one-year mark from when we started LOOKING for our first house. There has never been a time where I have regretted our choice.
Busy week ahead. Several things to finish up at work, OB appointment and working at the baby store tomorrow, my best friends Frog Toes and Dar Williams on Thursday, FT bonding on Friday, shower on Saturday. Thank goodness I took Sunday off!
I know I have more to say, but I'm drawing a blank...
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I love you! :D
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