- Baby Cute's heartrate was 150. He must have been a little excited from his game of cat and mouse with the nurse--he kept moving away from the doppler, making it hard to record his heartbeat. Hey, he's got personality! It was my least favorite nurse, so I think he was being fickle for my amusement.
- I gained 2 pounds.
- My blood pressure was high on the first reading, but was totally fine when they checked it a second time.
- I'm measuring "big" so the doc ordered another ultrasound to try and estimate Baby Cute's size. My Mom had 4 "normal-size" babies, but David was 9 pounds 4 weeks early, so we need to make sure I'm not growing a 12-pound Giant Baby Cute.
- We picked an amazing practice of doctors. All of my worries about my "birth plan" were totally unfounded. Most of the things that are really important to me are standard practice with the Alliance docs, who have all been intelligent, informed and progressive without crossing the "crazy" line. The doc also gave me a good sense of what the nurses will say and do and encouraged me to just politely say "No, thank you" if I'm not down with something.
- The doc helped relieve my worries about delivering early. Between the baby store and MSU, lots of people have been scaring the crap out of me, making me feel like I should have everything READY. In my mind, I still have a month! And the doc agrees. So there.
- I go to the doc every week at this point. We have an ultrasound next Tuesday, followed by our 36-week check, followed by our first Expectant Parent Seminar class "Preparing for Labor and Delivery."
The ladies at work told me yesterday that I've really popped out recently and that I look more voluptuous (a.k.a.--your boobs look bigger). My secretary, Barb, also had a dream that my water broke in the office. Barb knew the first day she saw me that I was pregnant, and guessed Baby Cute's gender right away. I may bring in a waterproof pad to sit on after October 4...
Let me whine for just a paragraph... At MSU, there is no paid maternity leave. So although I've worked here for 2 years and never taken more than 2 days off in a row, I have about 30 days worth of sick, vacation and personal time accrued--so 6 weeks. We also get BARE minimum holidays. Whatever, that's fine, our benefits rock. Well, I found out recently that as soon as I am on unpaid leave, I no longer accrue vacation time and am not eligible for holiday pay. It's a lovely time of year to be on maternity leave, you know, because of the HOLIDAYS. Six days, ladies and gentlemen. Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day. All days that won't count against my FMLA time, but also days I won't be paid for. UGH.
Now, let me be excited for just a paragraph... My best friend Mary Frog Toes is coming TONIGHT! We are seeing our best friend Dar Williams in concert TONIGHT! I have the day off tomorrow! I get to see my friends and my Moms on Saturday! I feel GREAT again. Sitting on my tush at work is apparently a mood and health booster!
Oh, and just in case you were waiting, riveted, for news about the great mobile crisis of 2007, our problems are solved and Dave's blood pressure has returned to normal. We found both a rug and a mobile at the baby store that look great in the nursery. It's also a great week for Michael's to have 50% off baskets, because the cheap willow baskets are even cheaper. I bought four big baskets for books and toys at $2 each and little baskets that fit in Baby Cute's dresser drawers to hold his socks, teethers and hats for $1 each. I love good deals. And Baby Cute's room is looking more and more like a fun place for a baby to call home.
Here are my 35 week updates. They are pretty unexciting... Baby Cute is getting fat and running out of room in my womb. Heck, I could have told you that!
BabyCenter: Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 pounds plus. Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
BabyGaga: Congratulations! You’re now carrying nearly 6 lbs of baby not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. We’re impressed because that’s a LOT of work non-stop. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? Well, get to it—you’ve done an amazing job! At this point, your little grower is almost busting out of the womb size-wise, which make their restricted attempts to move much challenging. Of course, your stubborn little sucker is still trying to move around as if they weren’t in a cramped space. And the accumulating baby fat deposits are starting to level off so your little butter ball will be padded and warm when they head out of their super snug little home.
I feel your pain on the maternity leave! I also only had 6wks saved up...and delivered end of october, so I went back to work early so that I could get those holidays! (not the best decision ever I might add-6wks post partum is WAY to early to return to work full time in my oppinion. I literally fell asleep at my desk a few times.) One thing to think about is going back very part time for awhile...that's what a coworker of mine did to avoid "unpaid leave." she came back like 2days a week for a month or so, and it was enough to get her her holidays and keep is so she could continue to acrue vacation and sick days, and 401K contributions. just something to think about-as if you need something else!
looking forward to seeing you Saturday!
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