So not only was our mommy raccoon sensitive to our extraordinarily fertile house, she was also rather intuitive about its owners' financial worries. The critter dude installed our "lifetime guarantee roof vent guard" this week and just left an invoice... No phone call, no "I got her!" note, etc. We have been falling asleep each night with the television on to prevent hearing our wild friend scratching around. When I called critter dude today, he said "she just up and left." I didn't get it, but apparently she realized she had worn out her welcome, packed up her squeaky little babies and left. Amazing! That smart raccoon mommy saved us more than $100. I'm not about to get up in the attic and see how much damage she caused, but right now I am quite thankful for her instincts.
The other "big" news that I'm not sure qualifies as "big news" is that I think I have felt Baby Cute moving around in my belly. Notice I took time to bold and italicize think... Everyone compares it to butterflies or bubbles popping. What I've felt is more like a twinge by my belly button. I stop and get still every time it happens, but Baby Cute is giving the "one," not the "one-two" punch so far. I'm sure I'll become more aware of it as Baby Cute gets bigger and it happens more often, but I've been rather impatient (I'm sure you're shocked), waiting to reach this "milestone." It's frustrating that I'm not sure, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
My friend Nadia at the baby store is 32 weeks along. Yesterday her little baby girl (Sophia Louise or Naomi Kathleen) had the hiccups. She was kind enough to let me touch her belly for quite a while. I only got slightly misty-eyed.
I will also unabashedly report that half of my gallon of milk is gone. And after I push "post" I am going to get another glass. A half gallon in two days? Yeah, I got nuthin'.
We also debated bottle systems at length last night. Yes, it was reeeeeeaaaly slow. Avent versus Playtex. Just go for the cheapo bottles and upgrade if your baby is picky? I think it's all as clear as mud right about now, but it was an interesting conversation nonetheless. We also had a guest come in to register. Her husband is an abnormal psychology major. His theory is that Baby Einstein videos are the reason why more and more children are autistic in today's world. Fascinating, huh? I don't really want Baby Cute to be a TV bug, and especially not as an infant or toddler... but I know how popular those gosh darn singing dancing colorful flashy gidgets and gadgets are.... I will do further research.
Get it? Baby Einstein. ha ha ha ha ha
It won't be long until you know for sure that baby cute is kicking you.
As to the piss - shit & damn. Yesterday's update said hearing is developing, but I'm sure no reading ability is in place yet. But maybe, this is my 1st grandchild we are talking about.
A 1/2 gallon of milk in two days? Did you forget who was reading?
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