My secretary Barb is amazing. She is very much like a surrogate mother to me (and most of the other adult women in my office), and has been amazing throughout this pregnancy. In fact, I no more than mentioned that I didn't feel good the day after I found out about Baby Cute and Barb looked me right in the eye and said "You're pregnant, aren't you?" I was so taken aback, I flubbed up my answer and then passed her a note later in the day that said "ssssssshhhhh--not telling anyone yet!"
Anyway, I gave Dave my last dollar today for a morning cranberry juice craving. I don't know what's worse--not having money, or having money, but not wanting to spend it. I don't want to pull from our savings for spending money, but it's hard not to have any cash in my wallet when I'm used to my weekly allowance. Things are just a little tighter this month. So basically, I'm broke. (I promise, there's a point to this story)
So my delightful secretary Barb decides to order from Jimmy John's for lunch. If Baby Cute comes out with three eyes or six toes, we can blame Jimmy John's. All of the books tell you not to eat lunch meat, so technically subs are not allowed. Basically, if you get tainted lunch meat you can get listeria and that can harm the baby. I trusted Jimmy John's twice when my cravings have gotten the best of me and I have indulged in delicious ham subs. So I have no money, I love Barb, and she is ordering from Jimmy John's--are you still with me?
Barb bought me a pickle. A huge, delicious, salty Jimmy John's deli pickle. I had to cut it into small pieces so it didn't hurt, but it was AMAZING. Barb was already high on my list of people I love and admire, but she just shot herself up in the rankings. It was SO good.
I'm officially 19 weeks along now. I like that Baby Cute is the size of a small zucchini. This makes me think of fried zucchini that my Grandma Ebig makes. Yum.
This weekend is the East Lansing Art Festival. I'm pretty excited because my friend (and honorary little sister) Sarah was selected to exhibit as an up and coming artist with her butterfly jewelry. It's gorgeous, and she is currently living in Marquette working on her medical residency so I haven't seen her for several months. This is also a great excuse to go to the Art Fair, which is a great way to spend a Saturday. I will be on the lookout for baby crafts and sunshine things.
Time for the 19-week updates... T-minus 5 days until our big ultrasound!
BabyCenter: Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and he measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the length of a small zucchini. The hair on his scalp is sprouting. If your baby is a girl, she already has 6 million eggs in her ovaries. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He may be able to hear you as you talk. Research shows that he's learning to distinguish your voice from others, and he'll soon show a preference for it. Let Dad get in on the act, too — encourage him to talk to your baby.
Dave definitely talks to my belly. It's adorable.
And Baby-Gaga: Your amazing little baby is now around 10 inches in length! If this seems a bit shocking, you’ll be relieved to know they’ve not actually grown over 3 inches, but that their little legs are now straight enough to be measured. This is when doctors begin measuring fetal growth from head to toe, (no longer “crown to rump” or CR). Lanugo (little hairs) covers the whole body now, trapping that charming cheese-like vernix caseosa to the surface to the skin. This week your lil’ fetus will start on an appetizing diet of amniotic fluid which they are now capable of swallowing, digesting, and passing the fluid as far as their tiny “large” intestines. Fortunately for you, this nice little lump of baby-poop won’t be coming out while they’re still in your womb. Some time shortly after they’re born, this fun lump will become the first in a long line of baby poops. (What finally comes out— commonly known as “meconium” to the science world, will be black and sticky, and you’ll be very glad it happens only once!)
In honor of my lunchmeat craving faux pas confession, here is a funny cartoon.

ok, it's bad enough that every time i open your website i see a double cheeseburger, but now you are talking about my fav fast food place jimmy john's. of course they don't deliever in parkview hills! so now i'm like a pregnant woman with horrible cravings. damn you!
I ate lunchmeat all of the time...and unpasturized cheese probably too, and Laynie turned out fine (so far!) you can only do so much ya know?
It's funny that I HATED lunchmeat until I was pregnant and wasn't suposed to eat it.
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