If you know my husband, you know that he loves sweet things (must be why he married me, ha ha ha). As a young boy, David filled in one of those "all about me" books. My favorite responses:
My favorite foods are: Pies, Cakes and Cookies.
If I could create a new holiday, it would celebrate: ME.
And on this day, we would: EAT.
We also have a pretty strict ban on "little candies" at our house. If we have miniature chocolate anything, it's bound to disappear quickly.
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of sweets as well, but not nearly as much as my husband. Well, this is definitely David's baby, because this weekend I needed CAKE. Immediately. So urgently so that we got in the car, drove to Kroger and bought a cake. It was quite beautiful.
But not all that tasty. It satisfied the craving, but I can't help but wonder whose birthday is next so I can eat more cake. God, help us.
I am feeling good. When David hugs me, he feels my hardening baby belly. This makes me happy. The definition between my upper and lower bellies is also slowly disappearing. This makes my pants not quite comfortable anymore, but maternity shirts still look long and silly on me. I think I've officially entered the "in-between" stage. My body has changed enough that I can tell the difference, but average Joes still have no clue that I'm preggo. I'm fine with this.
My Mom, Melanie, Rob and baby brother Nate came for dinner on Thursday. It satisfied both my physical hunger (delicious hamburgers) and my strong desire to see my Mom and sisters. It's true, no one knows you like your family does. I am very lucky to have such a loving family, and a mom and sister who know to humor me while I show them all of the random baby things I have acquired.
Everyone tells you that becoming a mother makes you "grow up." I'm cool with that, in fact I've felt rather grown up for a while now. So when David asked me what I wanted for my first mother's day many things flashed through my mind--a pedicure, the new Harry Potter book, the PBK crib that I love. But what I really want, and need, is brown shoes. So we went shopping. They are quite delightful, no?
I also made the mistake of reading the "mother soon to be" cards at the card store when we went to pick out cards for our Moms. I only read two before I realized crying in Hallmark is not what the cool kids are doing this season, so I wiped away my tears and got out of there.
My Mom and sisters are also starting to talk about Baby Cute's shower. This also makes me all misty and teary. Not only is this becoming more and more real, but the fact that so many of the people I love are also excited and want to celebrate Baby Cute with food and festivities makes me cry. I can't help it, it just does.
I finally downloaded the pictures I took of David mowing our lawn. They are scorchers for sure. We already mowed a second time this weekend, crazy grass. However, our carefully placed and watered grass seed has not sprouted yet. Jerky, stubborn seeds. Regardless, my husband is adorable in his Tiger's hat, mowing our lawn.
My favorite manager was at the baby store this Sunday. We had a nice chat, and she really laid out my options nicely. Frankly, they're worried about me and see me burning out and not enjoying my time there as much as I have in the past. And they're right. However, there are benefits to staying up to and through my pregnancy. I accrue vacation time at the baby store, as well as sick time. I have to hit my two-year anniversary to get it, but it's enough money that I think I'll stick around. I can cut my hours WAY down, too. I work tomorrow night, so I think I will cut one of my weekdays, and reduce my Sunday hours. I hate admitting that I have to slow down, but I have to slow down.
I am feeling squirmy Baby Cute sporadically these days. It usually surprises me, so I don't get to enjoy it yet, but as time progresses I know I'll get tired of being kicked on my intestines and bladder, so I am being patient and enjoying the quietness inside my body for now. I am having more trouble getting comfortable at night, so we added two extra pillows to the bed. Thank goodness we went for the king!
Everyone seems pretty convinced that Baby Cute is a boy. My secretary, my sister, my friend Bobbie from the National Home, random people. I've only had the one dream of David's little buddy, but my sense is that Baby Cute is a boy, too. We are T-minus two weeks from knowing for sure! Wow, time flies.
Finally, here is a long-awaited picture of me in my delicious glider. Stop staring at my pasty white thighs! Look at the glider rocker, not my thighs!! Oh, you can also please note the very thoughtful gift from my sister Melanie on the floor next to me. She found three vintage Cabbage Patch Kids books at a local resale shop and thought of yours truly and yours truly's fetus. She is the coolest.

mg, you are sooooo preggo! i can see the glow!
I was just about to say that!! You may not have the obvious preggo belly just yet...but you do have that certain "glow" in your face that everyone gets with pregnancy. :) what an exciting time!!!!
FYI the crying thing doesn't stop when the pregnancy ends, I still can't look at mothers day cards, watch certain comercials, or even THINK about sick or starving kids in africa.
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