I am so pregnant.
The margarita pie made me long for the day when I can go back to Albuquerque and enjoy a margarita. Coincidentally, my coworker Michelle was kind enough to send on her photos today. Good thing I lugged my camera halfway around the country so it could sit in the bag... But the good news is Michelle is an excellent photographer.
A little slice of Old Town Albuquerque.
Laura and I at the manager's reception. I was posing with Michelle's margarita.
At El Pinto restaurant on our last night. Am I pondering the meaning of quantum mechanics or picking salsa chunks out of my teeth? We may never know...

Oh, and to update from yesterday, I scheduled my ultrasound at the community college for July 10. Heck, it's only 6 days before the other one, but I'm not passing up an opportunity to solve the "great gender mystery of 2007" AND see my precious little fetus dancing around. Plus, it's for education. There are two senior students who have to do a prenatal ultrasound for their final exam and I am happy to help. :)
Here are my updates. I have to get back to work pronto!
BabyCenter: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — doesn't sound like much, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. His hair is probably recognizable now (in color and texture), although both may change after he's born.
BabyGaga: Your tiny grower’s physical proportions are evening out at this point and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and lots and lots of nervous system development. The good news is: if your child is born premature now they’ll be more likely to survive without too much trauma as their lungs began to produce “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day. Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back—all that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery. Keep up the fabulous work mama! This week they’ll be scootching slowly out of the old breech position and start rotating (already!) into a better position for exit during their birth. Their head and feet are slowly rotating so that the head is pointed down towards the birth canal. Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask)—just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human.
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