My Mom likes kids. My Dad likes babies. There are distinct differences between the two, and thankfully I am somewhere in the middle. I definitely prefer babies, but spending the weekend with ten 10-year-olds makes me look forward to Baby Cute being a kid and all of the adventure that comes along with it.

They are odd creatures, 10-year old girls. They're not quite adolescent, but they've lost the "sit on your lap cuddliness" that was there when I first took on the troop in 2003... It's been a lot of fun to watch them grow. I was lucky to be paired with Tammy, successful working mother of three, for the ride up and back. She has great perspective and life experience, and was a great listening ear as well. If she got tired of talking about pregnancy and kids and all of the ensuing drama, she didn't show it. The girls watched Cheetah Girls, Charlotte's Web and then Cheetah Girls again. Having only listened to Cheetah Girls, I still feel safe recommending that you NEVER watch it.
My feet are finally returning to normal size after a weekend of flip flops and bare feet on hard surfaces and sleeping with Malorie, who we shall call "the kicker." I wore both my pre-preggo and preggo swimsuits. Both were fine, but I like to refer to the preggo suit as "flattering" and the pre-preggo suit as "stylish." You will note I am not including any photos of myself in a swimsuit, thank you very much. But my girls are super cute:
While I was gone, Dave got the entire nursery floor stripped of two layers of paint and one layer of varnish. Way to go Dave! The rest of the house looked rather chaotic, but no complaints. I don't work any evenings this week, so we will dig ourselves out of the messy piles and cat hair day by day.
My email to the local community college about volunteering as an ultrasound subject was finally returned today with a lovely reply. All I need is a note from my OB saying it's ok and I can go in as a practice dummy (not that I'm a dummy, but you know) in the coming weeks. So we may perhaps know Baby Cute's gender sooner rather than later! In case you needed further indication that I'm excited, the note from Dr. Tucker is already waiting at the OB office. Hooray!
My coworker Laura also returned on Monday with my Albuquerque treasure--my opal and turquoise bracelet. Wahooey!

I feel good. Work is kicking my butt. Baby Cute is kicking my insides, but I must say baby has been quieter since I cut down on my juice consumption and am trying to drink more water... I wonder, does Baby Cute miss the sugar highs as much as I do?
Oh, and I would be remiss if I left out the Chili Cook-Off story. So we pick up Kate and make our way downtown to join the droves going to mow chili. We cross the major intersection in downtown Lansing--Pennsylvania and Grand. I choose at that moment to catch the tip of my Birkenstock sandal on a slight rise in the sidewalk and take a rather ungraceful tumble onto the pavement. This is the most painful result:
Dave and Kate flipped out, but I am fine. I caught myself with my right arm, which makes for an ouchy shoulder, but other than a few scrapes, bruises and major embarrassment I am fine and dandy. Baby's been kicking and moving fine since then, so I'm not concerned. I'm much more concerned about how I am going to teach my children not to pick scabs when I want nothing more than to pick at my new one. *sigh* Growing up is hard to do.
I can't even begin to describe my excitement about our weekend visitors! My parents and David's are coming for a weekend of home improvement and decorating fun. Perhaps fun is an overstatement, but it's my blog, damn it. Dave and Carolyn are coming Thursday night, and my Mom is trucking her sewing machine and crafty skills down Thursday or Friday, maybe Saturday depending on the funeral arrangements for a dear friend of the family.
I made a lovely list of things to ask Dave and my Dad for help with along with the floors, but we'll see how far we get. We can also pick up Baby Cute's changing table and the chest freezer--finally! I am mostly looking forward to having people in my house again and for the fun and satisfaction that goes along with spending time improving our home. I love being a homeowner.
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