We had a great appointment yesterday with our OB, Dr. Tucker. First of all, Dr. Tucker is a young black woman, pregnant with her second baby AND she was wearing pink shoes. We already liked her a lot, but the shoes pretty much sealed the deal. She answered any and all questions that we had and then some. Most of all, she was comforting and genuinely happy for us. She gave us less to worry about than half of the people who know I'm pregnant, and encouraged us to worry as little as possible.
How's that for an appointment? :)
Big news is that she changed my due date from 10-4 (good buddy) to 10-10 based on the size of Baby Cute. Baby Cute was also being very shy and didn't want us to hear the heartbeat on the doppler. Intsead, Baby Cute wanted her picture taken. So in rolled the ultrasound tech and within moments, my stomach was covered in goo and there was Baby Cute!
I know, not a fabulous picture.
We joke that Baby Cute looks just
like me. hee hee hee
I was feeling a lot better than our emergency room ultrasound, and the tech was nice enough to just let us watch Baby Cute for a while. Baby Cute had a heartrate of 168, very good. Turns out Baby Cute is VERY squirmy and was moving around a ton. This makes me smile, every time I think about having a squirmy baby. Apparently, while I was an ideal baby who loved to cuddle on my Mom's lap, David was squirmy. Oh good, right?
We opted not to do any of the genetic testing offered by the clinic as we have no risk factors for anything and false positives are just too common for us to even bother with the added worry.
Otherwise, the appointment was very matter-of-fact. I've lost 5 pounds, and that's not a bad thing. My blood pressure is ok, not great, but ok. I have Rh positive blood, so I don't need a shot to protect Baby Cute in case she/he is Rh negative like her Daddy. I don't have TB, all of my immunizations are still active enough to satisfy the docs and my uterus is about the size of a grapefruit, which is perfect.
I am feeling much better and eating pretty normally these days. I am starting to crave salt a little more than usual and have been a big fan of veggies and dip. This goes well with the new grill, as Dave loves a quick meal of meat on the grill and veggies. Delish!
That's about all for now, but mark your calendars, ladies and gentlemen! Baby Cute will have his/her big ultrasound on May 22. Then we can put this he/she debate to rest.
"Pink Shoe Wearer" should be on a doc's CV, don't you think?
Where are you having the baby at? SH or IRMC?
"Pink Shoe Wearer" should be on a doc's CV, don't you think?
Where are you having the baby at? SH or IRMC?
He. He. He. It's gonna be a He!
He. He. He. It's gonna be a He!
He. He. He. It's gonna be a He!
He. He. He. It's gonna be a He!
He. He. He. It's gonna be a He!
Love ya!
October 10th is a good day..but the 11th would be even better! then we could be birthday buddies! I can say first hand that october babies born at sparrow always turn out wonderful. Laynie and I are living proof! (I was born at sparrow too!)
She! She! Gonna be a girl! Pay no mind to Nate and his silliness.
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