So today on my fave baby message boards at there was an Ocotber Mommy post. The question of the day is "Why are you happy to be due in October?"
This post made me smile and it really changed my thinking. It seems like everyone says, "OH, you're going to be so uncomfortable and hot and sweaty and etc. etc. etc." Well, thanks, but there is really nothing I can do about that! So the post made me think of my list of why I am excited to be having Baby Cute in October. Here goes:

2. I love 6-9 month old age babies. So Baby Cute in March/April/May in the springtime makes me so happy. And we'll have a creepy/crawly/busy baby in the summer so we can go up north and play in the lake and set up a kiddie pool in our yard.
3. Three words--Baby Halloween Costumes. Need I say more?
4. Getting to recover from pregnancy under the careful coverage of bulky sweaters and pants.
5. No one's birthday directly next to Baby Cute's due date, but still within the fun fall lineup of birthdays with Rob, Nate, Dave N., Meredith, Jerry and Grandma N.
6. Having perfect weather for baby shower time with no worries about people getting stuck in the snow.
7. Being free for the holidays with our families.
8. Baby Cute coming close to winter means MomCarolyn can come and stay with us when she is laid off and help Dave get the hang of daily baby care.
9. Baby Cute will be big enough not to just flop over in cute Christmas outfits.
10. God blessed us with Baby Cute and knew he/she was supposed to be born in October. That may be the best reason of all.
I am 11 weeks today. For some reason, that makes me particularly happy. There is something about the end of the first trimester being so close that makes me feel so hopeful. Not that I've done anything in particular to contribute to Baby Cute's development other than provide nutrients, but it seems like a big accomplishment for all three of us.
I'm looking forward to this weekend. MomCarolyn is coming to visit and we are going to meet Tayden Thomas on Saturday. David has to work tomorrow night, so Carolyn and I are going to go and look at flooring for the nursery. Other than barfing in the morning, I have been feeling pretty good, so having a few things to do this weekend seems extra fun.
Oh, and I was going to encourage any/all of you who are reading to please comment! I know there is someone out there reading, but it would be good to know who! :)
Me!! I am reading and wishing the Scott family all of the best. :)
I read every day and it always makes me teary-eyed.
I'm reading, too. Usually late at night before I sleep. I now feel official when browsing in the baby department or when I pull a maternity top off the rack.
You can wrap October babies in those beautiful blankets that people make for you. And use the darling sweater sets. And hats. How I loved hats for babies, not being a wear of them myself.....
Ok, no more of this "he/she" stuff. You can just put HE from now on. :)
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