First, we rode in the car for a loooong time. I slept. I played. I fussed a bit. I sucked on my suckie. We stopped at a rest area to eat and change my diaper. I freaked out just past Muncie and we stopped again. Then we got to Mary FT's house! We went to the Indianapolis Zoo!
Mommy and Frog Toes are silly. The Zoo is featuring koala bears right now. We saw them awake. This is apparently a big deal because koalas sleep between 19 and 22 hours a day. You didn't know I was so smart, did you?
I was much more interested in eating my toys in the stroller or grabbing things than watching the animals. Mommy thinks I may be more interested next summer.
It was hot and sunny, so the rhinoceroses were laying around sleeping.
Frog Toes named my blue scooter Sasha. I love Sasha. Frog Toes' house is perfect for riding around on Sasha.

Frog Toes' couch is also the perfect height for me to pull myself up.
Frog Toes bought me a stuffed frog. You won't believe it! The frog had TOES! Frog Toes! 
On Sunday, it was hot again, so we went for a dip in Frog Toes and Eric's neighborhood swimming pool. They have a pool just for babies. It's only one foot deep. Mommy stayed out of the water, but Frog Toes played with me!

There was a little girl at the pool. Her mommy thought I might enjoy her floatie seat. I DID! It was cool!

Sunday afternoon, we went to a cold room with a lot of seats to watch Frog Toes dance ballet. Mommy called the room an auditorium. Anyway, it was cold. I liked the music and the colors flashing on stage. Frog Toes was beautiful!
We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory after the recital. I tried to be good, but I was tired again. Then I whacked my head on the table. Ow! So we left shortly after that. Luckily, Mommy was done with her AMAZING food, including tiramisu cheesecake.
Luckily, Eric let me play with some toys, too. You can only read so much about business statistics!

My yellow t-shirt is really cool. It's from my Aunt Melanie. It has a picture of a stroller on the front and its says "This is how I roll."

One of my favorite things about this weekend was playing with Eric. He's a cool guy. I liked his books a lot. He is in graduate school. Mommy tells me she is getting her master's degree in mommying right now instead of public relations like she had planned.
Silly Mommy! You can't make plans anymore! I'm here now!
Anyway, I want to learn like Eric does. He engineers the insulin that my Grandma Carolyn takes so she can watch me graduate with my master's degree someday. Eric got me started early.

I slept through the night both nights in my pack and play in Frog Toes' spare room. It's a good room for babies. I hope Frog Toes and Eric have a baby soon so they get to sleep in the sunshine yellow room. It's pretty cool.
I wonder which is more expensive...A master's degree in Elliott or a master's degree in PR?
WOW! That looks like an awesome weekend. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a horny walrus, oh wait...
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