Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Noodles the Clown
2. Cashier at Chamberlin's Hallmark. I'm still bitter.
3. Mowing the lawn for Mr. and Mrs. Hensler down the street. I memorized all of the words to Simon and Garfunkel and James Taylor's Greatest Hits that summer.
4. Midnight to four a.m. desk clerk at Larzelere Hall. I checked in all of the drunkards.
Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over)
I don't like watching movies, so watching them over and over would be punishment.
Four TV shows that I watch:
1. America's Next Top Model
2. Prison Break (mmm, Michael Skofield...)
3. Paula's Home Cooking
4. Desperate Housewives
Four places I've been:
1. Disneyland (not world, land) in California
2. Temple Square in Salt Lake City
3. Tulum, Mexico (aaaaahhh)
4. Tahquamenon Falls, Paradise, Michigan
Four people who email [or call] me regularly:
1. My Mom
2. Anne
3. Dave (duh)
4. Meredith
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Salad with ranch dressing
2. Tomato sandwich on Spatz bread with my Mom's tomatoes and real Mayo
3. Spinach and Artichoke Dip
4. Tomato Basil soup
Four places I would like to be right now:
1. In bed with Dave.
2. Making Elliott laugh
3. Someplace with ALL of my siblings, my parents, Dave's parents, our grandparents (living and deceased), Elliott and lots of food and fun
4. Getting pedicures with my Mom and my sisters
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. March 31, when I get my first paycheck that reflects my raise.
2. Teaching Elliott to say "mama"
3. Riding my bike with Dave and Elliott
4. Paying off our debt to the 4-figure range.
Lots to say, but I'll just post pictures instead. We're doing great. Elliott is sleeping through the night again (thank goodness!) usually from 9pm to 6am. We're looking forward to going to Saginaw for Easter. Elliott is frustrating Brenda with his quirks like NOT napping and only eating enough to tide himself over until he sees me again, but we're dealing. Dave is enjoying working and being challenged and having adult conversation for more than a few hours a day. We're all ready for springtime... but who isn't, right?
Playing with Aunt Jo!
Natalie, did you know that I'm working in Larzelere right behind the front desk in my new job with Jason? Elliott is growing up so quickly and with the cutest little face! Miss you.
Yummmmmmmm, spatz bread!!! do they sell it around here or is it a saginaw thing?
I didn't know you didn't like to watch movies multiple times. See, these surveys do serve a purpose!:-)
I second the Yummmmm Spatz bread comment. Ye ol' husband turned me on to that northern Michigan delicousness.
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