Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Elliott Milton LIVE!

I had so much great feedback about Elliott's video debut that I thought I would add a few more.

In the beginning, we thought we liked the jumperoo. His little feet didn't quite touch the ground, but he sure did smile a lot when he was in it.

Apparently the little guy grew his legs long enough to really get himself going AND his little brain grew to learn how to really play in it. It's a ton of fun to watch.

This one is simply titled: "This Is How I Roll, Guys."

I also love to watch Elliott play, so I thought I would share. He is learning so much from day to day, and starting to show favoritism for certain toys.

Finally, I will title this one "The Complainer."

Dave and I are both notorious in our families for overusing the phrase "It's not fair." I think Elliott may be warming up his complainer skills... This was right before bedtime and he was telling me "Enough playing Mom, put me in the tub, rub me down with that pink smelly stuff and give me some mommy milk!"

This is a different night, but I do put him in the tub, massage his growing baby muscles with Johnson's lotion and feed him before bedtime. Here are a few snapshots of that....

I didn't realize that Elliott's thighs had grown to be so Michelin Man-esque...
More random pictures of the cutest baby in the entire world.... Did you spot the little red mark in the corner of his right eye? Elliott decided to knock the pump bottle of Johnson's head to toe babywash off the corner of his bathtub. It fell right into his eye. Thankfully, his quick reflexes made him shut his eye and it just scratched the skin in the corner. However, it took me getting drenched by taking him out of the bathtub mid-bath and Elliott screaming bloody murder and me crying and Dave rushing up the stairs to help before we determined everything was ok and we didn't need to rush to the emergency room or buy a pirate patch for our one-eyed baby.
I am the king of Mount Daddy!
And the King of Drool!
A few of the pictures we've taken lately have reminded me of how quickly Elliott is growing. Here is an updated version of the "milk coma" that I blogged about when Elliott was just a week old.

Remember?And I don't know how much Elliott weighs, but I think he'll be out of this carseat sooner rather than later. *sigh* This was taken on Sunday. I just love those gosh darn Osh Kosh warm up pants!

Here is a photo from 6 weeks old...

In non-Elliott news, my friends Laura and Matt had their little girl, Lila Jean on January 19. She was 7 lbs, 5 oz's and 18.5 inches long. And the last preggo employee at the baby store had her baby yesterday. Parker Nathaniel, ironically also 7 lbs, 5oz's, but he was born 3 weeks early!

Here is baby Lila. I am really excited to meet her and for Lila and Elliott to play together in the future.My Mom a.k.a. GRAM is visiting for a conference in Lansing. I am very excited to spend the evening with her and Elliott and Dave. Grandma Carolyn is coming to visit this weekend on Sunday. Hooray! And next weekend we are heading to Traverse City for our Leelanau Peninsula wine tasting trip for my birthday. Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Dave are going to watch Elliott for us. I think all five of us are excited for next weekend!

Finally, if ya'll wouldn't mind, please comment now and again so that I know you are reading... I realize I wasn't the best at posting when Elliott was really little, so I wonder how many of you are still out there...


Anonymous said...

I absolutelye LOVE the videos. It is so good to see how he moves and to hear both of you talk. I know I will rewatch this latest one over & over again. Thanks so much.
Can't wait till Sunday to see you 3.

freerange karma said...

I love the videos! It helps me not feel so far away for a minute.. :)

Melissa Bussear said...

My dearest Natalie, I LOVE the updates on Baby Elliott. It makes me not feel so bad that I'm missing such an important time in your life...and Elliott's. :)

BoxcatAV said...

Your readers are out there! We're alive and kickin! And loving the posts.

Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

Count me in! I just assumed you mentally cut & pasted every time I said "Oh my god, he is SO cute!" I mean, he had it coming. He was Baby Cute long before he was Baby Elliott. ;)

I'm hoping to get up and see you guys soon (really? how many times can I say that before it happens?). Give me your schedule for the next few Sundays (after the Stupor Bowl, of course) and we'll figure it out.

AlexisAnne said...

you know I'm still reading! gotta love blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Both our boys love to see the videos. Griffin keeps yelling "Jump baby jump". He's getting so big so fast. Hope to see you soon. The Williams

Anonymous said...

Nate and I just sat on the couch together and watched all the videos... now we have to come a visit because it's been more than a week and we need an elliott fix!


heehee baby butt!

geekmp3 said...

The pictures of his butt are just plain mean! Poor guy's gonna look at those and cry when he's older! "Why, Mom, why?!"

Anonymous said...

Gram loved being there and seeing this stuff in person. The photos posted are great - except they don't do justice to the blue of his eyes. Incredible clear blue.
Oh, yes. I do have photos somewhere of baby Uncle Nate's butt. Could be scanned and posted, I believe.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone wants those to be uploaded!

Anonymous said...

Cassandra & I are still here too Natalie. We always look forward to your posts so that we have more to share with all the other girls at the meetings. The girls ALL miss you TERRIBLY!!! But i'm sure you knew that already.