People keep asking us if we've chosen a name for Baby Cute yet. And while the official party line is that we are going to wait until we meet him, I can say that as of today Baby Cute does not have a name. If we had to decide today, we'd be in trouble. We have successfully read every baby boy name in our 100,000 baby names book and have a list of about 30 names that we like. Some Dave likes more than me, and vice versa.
Deck chairs and 75-degree weather makes playing the baby name game much more fun. We would switch off reading one letter from the alphabet at a time and write down any of the names that struck us. It was fun, and now our list is compiled!
The more the little guy kicks me, the more I get to know him. So I think in another couple of months we'll have our list whittled down considerably. Does anyone have suggestions? (And no, Melanie, we won't officially name him the Zucchini!) If you think you have the perfect name for Baby Cute, please comment in the blog and let me know!

The reception was at the Candlelite, where David and I celebrated our marriage 3 years ago. It was very nice to dance there again and see our friends. People kept commenting on how good I looked and how impressed they were that I was dancing. Dude, I'm pregnant not disabled! And pregnant or not, I LOVE to dance. So I wasn't turning down the opportunity. I just needed to wear flip flops and take frequent breaks. :)
Sunday was also a wonderful day. My Dad cajoled David into playing golf so my Mom and I got to wander the baby store and pet all of the things on our registry. My Mom also helped me make some final decisions on Baby Cute's nursery, too, which has been weighing heavily on my mind. I just couldn't decide on crib bedding (I know, what a horrible quandry)! But the blue dots and stripes from the Carter collection will really look gorgeous with our natural crib and the "you are my sunshine" yellow throughout the rest of the room will still establish our theme pretty well. I'm excited.
My Mom and I picked up rootbeer floats and my fabulous grandmas on our way home from the baby store. Seeing my family, and my Grandmas in particular, is a sure way to get excited about Baby Cute. My Grandmas have absoutely pure unadulterated joy about their great-grandson. They help me know that everything is going to be ok. They have great stories about my parents and my siblings as babies. Their excitement is downright contagious. Both of my Grandmas and my Dad got to feel Baby Cute move, but really Uncle Nate got the best kick of all. A real "thump" that Baby Cute reserves for special occassions. They're buddies already for sure.
We got home early Sunday evening, but I only had time for 5 chapters of Harry Potter. I'm just so gosh darn tired these days! Even last night when I could have spent all evening reading I had a small weepy session instead and only made it to chapter 13. Ugh, it's KILLING me! If my vacation time wasn't so valuable, I would totally be home reading today. This is a definite illustration of the change of my life. A year or so ago, I would have purchased the book at 12:01 a.m. and stayed up all night to read it. Instead, I used my amazon.com gift cards, waited until we got home on Sunday and read only until my bedtime. *sigh* The times, they are a changin'.
Being out of the office for Ag Expo last week really put me behind in my work, so I have many things to tackle this week. On to them!
I was going to suggest obnoxious names like Abdullah and Algernon because you have vetoed Zucchini, but I realized all my suggestions probably seem wacky because I like weird names. They are:
- Dixon (this would make him like an awesome old time reporter wearing a fedora with a press pass in the brim)
- Timothy (the most normal of the bunch)
- Abbott (I don't know, it just seems to go with Scott to me, maybe it's the double t's)
- Duncan (runs the risk of being called a donut, though)
I will think on it and see if Zucchini speaks to me from across the miles. : )
For the record, I have TWO kiddos (one being a very demanding baby!) and still managed to read Harry Potter in its entirety on Sunday. =) But then again, I'm crazy! hee hee.
It is great though - I think you'll love it!
Speaking of flip flops, I have yours in my Saturn. They were hanging out in the backseat and forgot to climb out. I'll bring em' to you in September -- if not before!
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