We had a lot of fun this weekend in Chicago. Meredith and Jerry's new condo is beautiful, complete with a jacuzzi tub that made me extraordinarily jealous and big city ambiance in the form of a whooshing L-train passing by every so often. Luckily, Mer and Jer have lots of friends (not to mention ones who work out and take stairs like CHAMPS). We got their entire apartment loaded in less than two hours and when we left on Sunday there were maybe a dozen or so boxes still packed. I was amazed (and slightly motivated to begin unpacking my multiples of dozen boxes in the house...).
As much as I am not in control of my own appetite thanks to Baby Cute, it was also a lovely food weekend. We had turkish food on Friday, complete with a tomato salad that still calls my name and yummy chocolate cake with buttercream frosting in honor of Melanie's big 3-0. Saturday, Meredith was kind enough to have fruit and muffins. Delish. Saturday afternoon, who doesn't love pizza? Mmm mmm mmmm. Saturday dinner was ok, but really the nacho appetizer is where it was at. Sunday morning I had the most delicious ham and cheese omlette and perfect hot chocolate. Sunday afternoon, Nate's comment was, "You are SO pregnant." when I picked up a dill pickle, bottle of lemonade and two cheese sticks at a gas station in Benton Harbor. Dude, it was GOOD. And I drank some water in between the pickle and the lemonade!
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention Belly Dancing. Oh yes, belly dancing. Dave and I stayed firmly planted in our chairs, but my baby brother, brother in law Roberto and Melanie all shook their money-makers with the scantily clad women with amazing abdominal muscles. As a side note, I don't think any of them had ever been pregnant. Their abs were amazing.
They call this the "honeymoon trimester" because it's the one where you glow and have a "baby bump" and feel pretty gosh darn good. So far, so good. I have so much more energy and am really enjoying going home in the evenings to tackle one more little project at the house. I am getting antsy about the nursery and want to move furniture and do the floors and buy the crib, but I am doing my best to just CHILL. David is good at keeping me calm.
The sad news is that today Disney introduced a new line of princess wedding gowns. Now there has never been a day in my entire life that I regretted marrying David when I did until today. Today, I found out if we would have waited just 3 years, I would have been able to wear the "official" Cinderella gown. *sigh*

We are interviewing students for summer writing positions and let me just say this--FACEBOOK. Oh my goodness, in 15 minutes I literally could have cancelled all of the interviews and just hired two of them. The rest? I REALLY don't like photos of puking drunk college students, but I REALLY REALLY don't like them when I am pregnant. Stupid college students.
We see our doctor on Thursday and I am very excited about hearing Baby Cute's heartbeat or seeing him/her on another ultrasound. My Grandma Ebig has demanded photos to take to bingo, so cross your fingers for another ultrasound so we can 'represent at Bingo.
Presenting your ultrasound picture at Bingo !!!! Who would have thought of that when you Grandmother was expecting?
Do you ever tell the students that don't make the cut for Facebook why they didn't make it or do you just not pursue them?
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