From the intarweb: The embryo is reactive to its environment inside the amniotic sac where it swims and moves. Hands and feet can be seen. At the end of week 8, the embryonic period is over and the fetal stage begins.
Cool. So at the end of this week, Baby Cute will officially be a "fetus." This makes me think of my baby bro Nathan's best friend Bill, who curls up like a fetus when playing the guitar. He was subsequently nicknamed "pheetiz." I personally think my alien baby is cuter.

It turns out I have not escaped the wrath of morning sickness. Yesterday I was sick ALL day at work. I tried to call in to the Baby store, but they needed me, so I whined to David and went to work. Luckily, I was finally able to take care of my craving for a McDonald's double cheeseburger and a regular Coke. Apparently I should have listened to Baby Cute earlier in the day, because I felt fantastic all night. I can't remember the last time I had a regular Coke, and until yesterday the thought of fast food made my stomach turn. Go figure.
It was fun to be at the Baby store. My good friend Nadia was there and my favorite manager Mandy, too. Mandy assured me that I could go down to one day a week if I wanted and that I could take up to 13 weeks off for leave. As much as it makes sense to just quit, I really do enjoy working there. It's recreation AND a little extra cash. Who knows how I will feel in a few weeks or months, but right now I really don't want to give up the Baby store. I was part of the original crew that opened that store and it's just about my only link to "regular" people, i.e. non-academics, regular Joe working-class people that I learn so much from. We'll see.
Today I laid in bed and ate a NutriGrain bar before I got up. I fought nausea for a while, but overall I've been much more functional today. Thank goodness, as there is plenty to keep me busy that's not at all related to Baby Cute. I am editing our new newsletter and we are VERY close to printing. Hooray!
I kind of relish my sore boobs, achy uterus and nausea. It makes me feel "pregnant." Otherwise, I would just be a whiny slacker who eats a crazy amount of fruit and craves cheeseburgers. And I'm a worrier, so feeling "pregnant" makes me worry a little less about how Baby Cute is doing in there. Everyone assures me she/he is fine, but as is aforementioned, I am a worrier.
David is at home recovering our dining room chairs. We did the first one last night and it rocks. I can't wait for things to look "finished" a little more in the house. I'm not holding my breath, but it sure is fun to be homeowners.
My sibs start coming TOMORROW. I also get to see both of my Moms and many other important people to me this weekend. It makes me smile, a lot. The logistics are going to be tough, but I know we will have a great weekend. I know one thing--Monday will come too quickly.
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