My attacks have since moved from gastrointestinal mayhem to some really extreme pain in my belly. We celebrated Dave's 34th birthday on Tuesday and by 9pm I was REALLY regretting eating cheese sticks for lunch and putting full fat ranch dressing on my salad at dinner. Not to mention the big piece of birthday cake I had just eaten. The pain got worse and worse... by 4am I would have gone to the ER if it didn't require waking Elliott up and all of the craziness that would entail.
Long story short, I had a surgical consult yesterday and my gall bladder is set to come out on August 22. My new boss is amazing and agreed to let me work from home so I won't have to take too much unpaid leave. Surgery is on Friday, should be at least semi-functional by Monday and I'm planning to return to the office on Thursday, the 28th.
I could vent for PAGES and PAGES of blogosphere about the ignorance of doctors about breastfeeding. Let me just say this. It's OK if you don't know something, Dr. GallBladderRemover. Really, it's OK. Tell me to ask my pediatrician. Tell me to call my local La Leche League. Just don't suggest that I wean my 9-month-old because I'm going to be under anesthesia for a couple of hours and need to take it easy for a few days. Idiots.
Elliott will be 10 months old by the time I go under the laparoscopic knife, so perhaps we'll be done breastfeeding by then, but if we're not, then I'm not stopping because the nurses don't want to wait for me to pump in the recovery room.
On a happier note, I'll post some pictures from our adventures at Coldwater Lake last weekend. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend some more time with the radiant Mary Frog Toes, and frankly, the weather was perfect for a lakefront Michigan Saturday, so we had a great time. Elliott did, um, OK, for his first boat ride and swim in a big lake. Let me just say that a life vest is NOT his favorite thing to wear.
I'm just finishing up lunch here at work... A vegetable sub from Jimmy John's and a big pickle went down well. Not totally fat free, definitely better than a burger and fries. This weekend, I am hoping to make it to Ohio Day at the VFW National Home and then we are heading to Bangor on Sunday to celebrate David's birthday with the Wiacek's. Woo hoo for family fun!