But anyway, we've been busy. Busy learning to coo and goo and gaa. Elliott's conversation skills made me realize recently why the stereotypical baby sounds are "goo goo ga ga." Those are some of Elliott's favorite words.
Busy learning to eat from a bottle. I've been busy building up my milk supply and creating a cache of mommy milk in the freezer.
We have a very hungry baby boy, and luckily he isn't too picky about how he gets his mommy milk, as long as it is warm. Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Dave were the unlucky ones who discovered that a cold bottle is the devil. Dave and Carolyn were kind enough to come and watch Elliott while Dave and I both worked on Friday. I don't think we had to twist their arms too hard...
Busy wearing all of our adorable clothes. Elliott has started to spit up a bit now and then (Dr. Hoop says if he is a "happy spitter," there is no cause for concern), so he is wearing more outfits in a day. I also couldn't resist a supercute pair of baby tennis shoes. I love baby shoes, and Elliott looks cute in everything. :)
These khaki pants and blue sweater are my favorites...
Here are the cute shoes!
It hit me last week that because Elliott always gets dressed downstairs after his morning bath, I may be forgetting about some of his clothes in the drawers upstairs. And sure enough, he had to wear all of his 0-3 onesies that people painted at my shower because they were too small. Elliott really does love his aunties, he just hates having his chubby baby arms shoved through the arms of a too-small onesie.
Elliott is also just starting to wear bibs to save his outfits. This one is from Great Grandma Ebig. :)
Busy doing "tummy time." Dr. Hoop said as often as he would stand being put on his tummy, to do it. Luckily, Elliott likes it. He is getting really good at picking up his head!
Busy cheering for the Lions.
Busy learning how to smile. He is most likely to smile in the morning during his "awake alert" time between breakfast and bathtime. This morning, in particular, he was being so cute and just cooing away, I spent more than an hour taking his picture and talking to him.
I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of his room. I don't think I posted any pictures of the "finished product." I love how the custom vinyl we ordered turned out. Elliott likes it too, and I know I won't be able to walk away from the changing table much longer. He is wigglier every day!
Busy being on the go with Mommy... I get stir crazy in the house, so we have been to Coldwater to visit Mary Frog Toes and meet Eric and Mr. and Mrs. Frog Toes and of course participating in a little retail therapy with frequent trips to Target, the baby store, even the mall last week! :)
Hi Auntie Frog Toes!
Luckily, he likes his carseat.
Busy making faces.
Busy figuring out our daily schedule. My hypothesis is that Elliott is on a 48-hour schedule. I call the first 24 hours "napalicious." He'll nap in his pack and play in nice, long chunks and have calm, quiet alert times. Then the next day, you can't get enough food in him (although if you feed him when he's not hungry, he spits it all up on you, FYI) and can't put him down to save your life. I am lucky to get to pee and eat one-handed on the "second day." We may have outsmarted the baby though, because we bought a carrier that allows Elliott to sleep on my chest while I have my hands free to pick up the house, pay bills, heck, check email! It's awesome, and Dave is trying it out successfully as I type.
Busy playing. Elliott enjoys talking to Daddy and is just starting to figure out his play gym.
Everyone tells you that time flies, and I believed them, but wow, time flies! Elliott is six weeks old today. I go for my 6-week post-partum check-up on Wednesday and then we are hitting the road for Thanksgiving. I always knew that Halloween would come quickly, but Thanksgiving snuck up on me. There is holiday music playing in the stores and my Mom is patiently waiting for our Christmas lists! People keep asking what Elliott would like for Christmas... I've been telling people books. He looooves when people talk to him (especially yours truly, if I can be so bold) and as smart as David and I are, reading to your baby exposes them to something crazy like 4x as many words as your normal speech.
And in conclusion, I will steal a comment from my friend Lexi's baby blog for her little girl, Laynie. Apparently, babies have what is called the "fencer pose" reflex. Lexi and Rob coined the phrase... "Raise your hand if you're cute!!"